Cross Platform

RetroArch can run on the usual platforms like Windows, macOS and Linux, but it stands alone in that it can support far more platforms beyond just that.

We support operating systems that not even Microsoft and Apple themselves support anymore, such as macOS on PowerPC Macs, and RetroArch being available on Windows OSes as far back as Windows 95.

On top of all that, RetroArch also runs on iOS and Android for tablets and phones, as well as on game consoles like PS2, PS3, PSP, PS Vita, Wii, Wii U, 2DS, 3DS, Switch, and more!

RetroArch is available on many popular store fronts for free, including Steam, Amazon App Store, Samsung Galaxy Store, Huawei App Gallery, and Google Play!

The current stable version is: 1.20.0

Not sure what version to get? Click on the 'Stable' button below for a stable build, or 'Nightly' for the latest daily release for your platform!

Download Nightly Download Nightly (32bit) Download Stable Download Stable (32bit)

Detected OS: unknown

List of supported platforms





Steam Link

Steam Link is not automatically built, this is the best version that works for now.

Cores and RetroArch Installation video Installation instructions

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RetroMini RS90


Miyoo (Pocket Go, PowKiddy Q90/V90, New BittBoy)




OpenDingux (GCW Zero/RG350M/RG280V/others)

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How to Install